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I am an author, cybersecurity architect, and artist born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Featured at NFT.NYC 2024 and Bali Art Space.


When you have an infinite probability engine, (h/t to Douglas Adams for the inspiration) nothing is impossible. Long ago, I convinced myself through a series of psychedelic experiences, meditations, and deep learning sessions that the universe is in fact infinite, and that time doesn't exist in the grand scheme.

Once this is accepted as a valid theory, one can surmise that the universe has always existed and will continue to exist as there is no beginning and there will be no end. At this point, another theory emerges: Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING has a probability of at least 1. That may be a 1 with a virtually infinite number of zeroes in front of it sitting behind a decimal point somewhere in the far reaches of the universe, but it is still a positive number nonetheless.

And thus, we have humanity's first version of the infinite probability engine: Generative AI. Never before has the average person truly had the capability to create a vision beyond the furthest reaches of their imagination. For me, this has been a journey, nay\u2014an exploration\u2014into my own mind.

I have spent the last two years learning the ways of the machine and understanding how to not control, but direct the infinite probability engine. Every model is its own world filled with endless probabilities, and understanding just a modicum of that capability is key to harnessing the true power within, or even taking the results of one engine and enhancing it with another.

Our limits know no limits, and the word \"impossible\" is stricken from our lexicon.

We have truly stepped into a world where the future is filled with endless probability. We should do what we love, make what we love, and fill the space with our greatest visions.

I am still learning. I will never stop learning. I am only getting started.

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How can I sign up?

", "answer": "

You can sign up using your email address, Google account, Twitter account, or external Web3 wallet such as MetaMask.

"}, {"question": "

Do I have to complete identity verification?

", "answer": "

You do not have to verify your identity to purchase an NFT. If you purchase an NFT and would like to resell it on this platform and receive fiat payment in return then you will need to link your PayPal account which does require identify verification.

"}, {"question": "

How can I transfer my NFTs to an external wallet?

", "answer": "

Follow these steps to transfer an NFT that you own to an external wallet:

  1. Locate the NFT that you would like to transfer in your wallet.
  2. Click the \"Transfer\" text button.
  3. Connect an external wallet such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, or Dapper Wallet.
  4. Once connected click on the Transfer button to move the NFT to that external wallet

Please note that if you transfer an NFT to an incorrect wallet you may not be able to get the NFT back into your possession.

"}, {"question": "

How can I give my NFT to someone else?

", "answer": "

Follow these steps to give an NFT to a friend or family member for free:

  1. Locate the NFT that you would like to give to someone else in your wallet.
  2. Press the Give button.
  3. Enter the email address for the person that you would like to Give the NFT to (to give multiple NFTs to multiple people separate the email addresses with a comma).
  4. Press the Give button to initiate the transfer.

Please note that if you Give an NFT to another person and they accept the NFT you may not be able to get the NFT back into your possession.

"}, {"question": "

How can I list my NFT for sale?

", "answer": "

Follow these steps to list an NFT for sale:

  1. Locate the NFT that you would like to sell in your wallet.
  2. Press the Sell button.
  3. Choose your Sale type, and enter the desired currency amounts for the sale.
  4. Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions, which will vary based on the Sale type.
"}, {"question": "

Where can I find my profile info?

", "answer": "

To view and edit your profile and wallet information:

  1. Locate and click your profile image on the top right of the site.
  2. Click account details.
"}, {"question": "

How to download NFT media?

", "answer": "

To download the media (images or video) associated with an NFT:

  1. Locate the NFT that you would like to download and go to the token's page.
  2. Click the More button.
  3. Click Download Media.
"}, {"question": "

What is an NFT?

", "answer": "

NFT stands for non-fungible token. An NFT is a collection of digital data stored on a blockchain or ledger. Ownership of an NFT and its digital data is attributed to wallet addresses on a blockchain.

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